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BLITZ DRAUGHTS, and this document file, are COPYRIGHT PC SOLUTIONS,
All rights are reserved.
Welcome to BLITZ DRAUGHTS, the worlds strongest shareware draughts
program! Please note that shareware is * NOT * free software - if
you use it, you are obliged to pay for it. You can become a legitimate
registered user by purchasing any our program-packs - details will be
given when you run BLITZ.
You will need to be a very good player to beat BLITZ, even on a very
low level of play. Remember that the F5 key enables two-player/set-up
mode, so you can enter the moves of a game to set up a position, or
use the computer as a display for two human players. Note that you can
also change the X-Y size of the board - have fun with checkers on
a 5x7 board! BLITZ is the ONLY program able to do this.
Note that black pieces come out yellow - if they were black,
they would be invisible! I choose what I think is the most pleasing
BLITZ has all the features that you would expect from a commercial
chess program, ie. fast ALPHA-BETA tree search, opening book (for the
8 by 8 game), and much more. The response time is used as a GAME-
AVERAGE - sometimes the computer takes longer, but in the long run
it is accurate. The total time taken is given as #Sec, and total moves
as #Mov, at the top right of the screen. The SHAPE FUNCTION inverts all
black squares for grey and visa versa - this is most effective on
odd-sized board shapes. When BLITZ returns a score of +/-30000, a
win/loss is in sight, and the compter is playing perfectly!
If you like SHAREWARE-BLITZ, please buy the full version, on GAMES-
-PACK-1, which has extra Strength Levels, position Edit, Game Replay/
Load/Save/Backtrack and more. It also plays a MUCH stronger, faster game
- indeed tests show that it outplays ALL other commercial draughts
programs at this time.
PLEASE support quality shareware like this!!
DRAUGHTS is traditionally played on the BLACK squares of an 8 by 8
chess board - BLITZ can re-size the board, but for clarity let us
discuss the 8 by 8 game. The squares are numbered from 1 (bott right)
to 32 (top left), with black men on squares 1-12 and white on squares
21-32. Men move diagonally forward onto empty squares, or jump over
and capture an opponent if there's a clear space behind it. One VERY
important rule - IF YOU CAN JUMP, YOU MUST! If, after jumping, the
same piece can jump again, IT MUST! One exception to this rule - when
a man reaches the KING-ROW (the 8th), and is made into a KING, it
may NOT make any futher jumps - until the next move! When a man
becomes a KING, it can move in all 4 diagonal directions. When one
side has no legal moves left, that side loses the game!
Commands DURING PLAY:-
ESC - Abort back to main menu - for new game or exit.
-,+ - Alter average response time in seconds - ZERO for beginners.
F1 - Show moves, ie. all of your movable pieces.
F2 - Make me take your go.
F4 - Display board numbering.
F5 - Toggle two-player/setup mode on/off.
F6 - Invert board upside-down.
F12 - Help screens..
v - View (Load and replay) a game from disk.
CTRL-B Best line display toggle.
To install BLITZ DRAUGHTS to run under windows, follow these steps:-
1) Run windows, and select the GAMES group.
2) Hold the ALT key down, and double-click the mouse at an empty
position where you want BLITZ DRAUGHTS to appear.
3) The cursor will be in the DESCRIPTION box - type the name of the
program - ie. BLITZ DRAUGHTS.
4) Now click the cursor on the COMMAND LINE box, and enter the path
for BLITZ DRAUGHTS - ie. C:\BLITZ\BLITZ52W.EXE - if in doubt, use
the BROWSE option.
5) Now click on the CHANGE ICON box - you will be asked to select an icon
from the Program Manager. Click OK on that, then enter the path
for BLITZ DRAUGHTS - ie. C:\BLITZ\BLITZ.ICO or use browse again.
6) Click on OK, and you are ready to go!
|::: 32::: 31::: 30::: 29| White side, moving down.
| 28::: 27::: 26::: 25:::|
|::: 24::: 23::: 22::: 21|
| 20::: 19::: 18::: 17:::|
|::: 16::: 15::: 14::: 13| Board numbering for English draughts.
| 12::: 11::: 10::: 9 :::|
|::: 8 ::: 7 ::: 6 ::: 5 |
| 4 ::: 3 ::: 2 ::: 1 :::| Black side, moving up.
You will find the end-game problems given below on the disk with BLITZ
- you can select the VIEW option, then play through them, a step at a time.
Remember that the Registered version gives you the option to save,
annotate and replay your own game positions and problems as well!
Draughts is a much under rated and neglected game, often derided as a
'kids' game, and looked down upon by exponents of games like chess. This view
is unjustified, as the game offers characteristics and suppleties simply not
found in any other board game. And despite of over 200 years of research and
analysis of the game, there is still plenty of new play to be found by the
adventurous player. In a way, the virtue of the game is actually in its
limited piece movement and mobility, since this forces you think in terms of
warding off threats at a much deeper level than you would do in a game like
chess, that has a larger mobility.
The most important rule is that if you can jump YOU MUST! This leads to
fascinating combinations, often sparked by cunning material sacrifice.
Consider this problem:-
Black Man on 4, Black king on 6, White men on 7 and 12. Black to play and
win. (or B 4,K6 : W 7,12 in standard notation.) View PROB01.B on disk.
The winning move is 4-8! White MUST jump 12-3, its man at 3 becoming a
king. Now black moves his king 6-2! White now only has 1 move, 3-8, since its
man at 7 cannot move, and black simply jumps the 2 pieces 2-11,11-4 and wins!
Here is another problem:-
B 1,2,6 : W 11,18,27 with black to play & win. (View PROB02.B on disk)
The key move for black is 2-7 !! White replies 11-2, and the new king
HAS to stop at 2 to be crowned, it cannot go on and make further jumps. Black
now plays 1-5, White must jump 2-9 and black wins with 5-14,14-23,23-32.
Now a harder problem:- (Composed by D.Oldbury)
W 6,10,14,15,18,19,22,23,27 : B 1,3,7,12,K13,20,K25,26
White to play and win. (View PROB03.B on disk)
Sage/Blitz can see the 17 move solution in about 1 second on a 486!!
27-24! 20-27, 14-9, 7-14, 15-11, 1-10, 11-7, 13-6, 18-9-2,
25-18, 23-14, 10-17, 19-16, 3-10, 2-6, 12-19, 6-15-24-31-22-13
White wins.
OK, having done something to convince you of the beauty of the game,
let us backtrack, and consider how you should approach actual play.
In the broadest terms, getting a man up, without your opponent having
any compensating advantage, will usually win you the game. In the
opening, beginners often lose pieces by pushing them forward too far
and too fast. Another common mistake is to break up your back rank
protection against your opponent getting a king, and also provides
some protection against piercing shots and combinations.
So, for black, it is a good idea to keep the pieces at 1,2,3,6,7
intact for as long as possible. Note that I have excluded squares
4 & 8 - these are the SINGLE CORNER squares, and it is usually safe
to evacuate these squares at an early stage - it is hard to get through
for a king here, and even when you do, the king can often be held
by a defender at square 3. By contrast, you should take particular
care to defend your DOUBLE CORNER squares at 1 & 5 - this is a good
place to break through for a king. For this reason, black will often
keep men at 1 & 3 right through until the late stages of a game -
this is called the BRIDGE defence. White usually has to place a
man on square 10 before he can march through for a king. The BRIDGE
can also tie up white men at square 12 (3 holds it) and 5 (1 holds it)
- these are called the DOG-HOLES, and white should avoid going into
these squares if at all possible. A good way to for White to attack
blacks double corner is by occupying or controlling squares 14, 18
and 23 - this line-up is called the DYKE formation.
Of course all the above applies equally WHITES back defence squares
as well - for instance the White BRIDGE is at squares 30 & 32.
To get to grips with the game, let us examine the classic openings
- first let us look at blacks opening moves, strongest first.
11-15 - Considered to be Blacks strongest - dominating the center.
11-16 - The BRISTOL also good for black, often followed by 24-20, 16-19
with black attacking 19.
9-14 - The DOUBLE-CORNER - much under rated, often followed by
22-18, 5-9, 25-22 with many traps laying in wait for white.
10-15 - The KELSO - While superficially looking strong, it does tend
to jam up blacks single corner a little.
10-14 - The DENNY, an even opening, often followed with 22-18, 11-16.
12-16 - The DUNDEE - weak for black, since 24-20 cramps his Single Corner.
9-13 - The EDINBURGH - while traditionally considered weak for black since
White's 22-18 grabs the center, modern analysis reveals later
counterplay for Black if played correctly.
The 11-15 move deserves special consideration - it is draughts equivalant
to E2-E4 in chess! White has 7 replies, all of them good! In decending
order of strength they are 23-19, 22-18, 22-17, 23-18, 24-19, 24-20, 21-17.
Here are some classic openings that follow 11-15:-
11-15,22-18,15-22,25-18 The SINGLE CORNER opening.
11-15,23-19,8-11,22-17,4-8 The OLD FOURTEENTH opening.
11-15,23-19,8-11,22-17,3-8 The ALMA opening.
11-15,23-19,8-11,22-17,11-16 Forms the GLASGOW opening.
11-15,23-19,8-11,22-17,9-13 Forms the LAIRD AND LADY opening.
11-15,23-19,9-14,22-17,5-9 Forms the FIFE opening.
11-15,23-19,9-14,27-23 Forms the DEFIANCE opening.
11-15,23-19,9-14,22-17,6-9 Forms the SOUTER opening.
11-15,23-19,7-11 Forms the WHITLER opening.
11-15,23-19,9-13 Forms the WILL OF THE WISP opening.
11-15,22-17,8-11,17-13,15-18 Forms the MAIN OF THE MILL opening.
11-15,22-17,15-19 Forms the BLACK DYKE opening.
11-15,23-18 Forms the CROSS opening.
11-15,24-19,15-24,24-19 Forms the SECOND DOUBLE CORNER opening
11-15,24-20,8-11,28-24 Forms the Ayrshire Lassie opening.
11-15,21-17,9-13 Forms the SWITCHER opening.
Each one of these openings can yeild up hundreds of classic games,
some dating back 200 years or more! Since the range is so great, maybe
it will be better to examine one model game, blow by blow..
Consider this classic game - Jordan v Tescheleit. (View GAME01.B on disk)
9-14, (Forms the Double Corner opening) 22-17 (22-18 is also good)
11-15, (Attack center), 25-22, 15-19 (Now forms the Double Corner Dyke,
with Black occupying the key square 19 & attacking Whites Double corner)
23-16, 12-19, 24-15, 10-19, 17-10, 6-15 (7-14 would weaken and lose the
man on 19), 21-17 (Trying to attack 14), 5-9 (prevents it), 29-25,
(Its OK to develop single corner men), 8-12 (Backs up 19), 25-21,
7-10, (Note the DYKE 10,15,19), 17-13 (Alternative way to pressurise
the Double corner), 1-6 (Looks bad, as it breaks up the back, but
prevents the dangerous 13-9), 27-24 (Grips 19), 4-8, 32-27 (Breaks
the back rank, but brings more pressure on 19), 9-14, 27-23, 3-7
(The best - 12-16 loses to 22-18 shot), 23-16, 12-19, 22-17 (Now that
black has no piece at 1, the pieces at 6,10 & 14 are weak) 7-11 (Try
playing 14-18 yourself - a complex line!), 26-23, (Releasing the tension
and playing for a draw), 19-26, 30-23, 8-12 (Not 11-16? 24-19!), 24-20,
15-18, 23-19 (Forced), 11-15, 20-16 (31-26 also draws), 15-24, 28-19,
2-7 (prevents 16-11 which is easy for white), 31-26, 18-23, 26-22,
23-27 (Now Black seems to have got White sewn up, but..), 16-11!
7-16-23, 22-18 Drawn! Black must give back the 2 pieces.
Well, obviously there is far to much to the game to cover here. I could
describe the myriad of openings, traps, special positions, etc. but such
analysis is beyond an intro like this, that is simply designed to give you
a taste of the game. I'll leave you with a short game demonstrating a famous
trap in the "Bristol" opening, a sort of "Fools Mate", dating back to 1650!
11-16, 23-18, 16-20, 24-19, 8-11? (losing move), 19-15, 10-19, 18-14, 9-18,
22-15-8, 4-11, 27-24, 20-27, 31-24-15-8, White wins.
Here is another early trap in the Kelso opening:-
10-15, 23-19, 6-10, 22-17, 11-16? (losing move), 17-13, 16-23, 13-6, 2-9
27-18-11-2 and White wins.
If you want to learn more about the game of draughts, or purchase books
upon the subject, there are clubs who provide newsletters and organise
events. Contact:-
The British Draughts Federation, Dept B, 384a Wells rd, Bristol,BS4 2QP
The American Checker Federation, Box 365, Petal,MS 39465-0365,U.S.A.
This version of BLITZ is released as shareware. You may distribute
it as long as you don't alter it in any way. We give permission to Shareware
distributers to sell disks or CD-ROMS with our programs on.
Please remember that shareware is NOT free, but 'try before you buy',
so please become a registered user by purchasing one of our program packs -
see the advert within the program.
People often ask how we generate such small, fast programs - well special
thanks must go to Borland and their excellent Turbo-C compiler - which
we use to generate both DOS and WINDOWS versions of our programs. Together
with our special tools and graphics libraries (see our Util-Pack) we can
generate very efficient code. Overall we find the Turbo-C compiler to be
superior to other comparable C/C++ compilers - especially at the price they
are sold for! We have also just got the Borland C 4.0 compiler for WINDOWS
/DOS - and again we can recommend this Rolls-Royce of languages. If you
have had to put up with the large overheads imposed by Visual and Quick
Basic, we can strongly recommend the Borland option.
Contact Borland UK on Freephone 0800 212727 (or 0734 321150) for further info.
Some programs have both Windows & DOS versions, others DOS only.
In either case, easy WINDOWS install is provided for all programs.
SPECIAL OFFER - Buy two or more packs, and P & P is free! Please specify disk
size when ordering. Remember - our programs come with high quality packaging
and printed documentation. Each pack also comes with several extra
PC Solutions shareware 'new releases' for free! For instance, our
Games-pack 3 has over 20 programs..
If the total order amount is less than 10 pounds (or $20 US) please add
1 pound UK postage/packaging/handling, or 3 pounds overseas airmail (USA $7)
For orders which total above 10 pounds (or $20 US) there is no extra charge
- ie P & P is FREE. If you want overseas recorded/registered delivery,
add 3 pounds (USA $5).
Send Cheques/P.O.'s to:-
PC SOLUTIONS, Dept BT , P.O. Box 954, Bournemouth BH7 6YJ, ENGLAND.
If you have a modem, and have INTERNET access, you can send EMAIL to us at:
Of course this advert could be years old by the time you read it, and
there is a chance that this address could change at some distant date -
so if you get no reply, back it up with a normal mail enquiry. We will
answer ALL EMAIL enquiries.
We also have an area on the GLASS ASYLUM BBS:- (phone 0268.510709).
- you can download our latest SHAREWARE programs, and leave mail.
This is a great BBS, which has a huge amount of online software and news.
They also provide cheap INTERNET access at very competitive pricing.
US orders
We now have a service for US customers to place VISA/ACCESS orders - note
this is for CREDIT CARD ORDERS ONLY in the US only! Do NOT send credit
card orders to PC SOLUTIONS - we cannot process them. US customers can
also order direct from PCS with thier normal dollar cheques.
You can order with MC, Visa, Amex or Discover from the Public (software)
Library, by calling 713-524-6394 (speech) or by FAX to 713-524-6398
or by CIS Email to 71355,470. You can also mail credit orders to PSL at
PO Box 35705, Houston, Texas 77235-5705
When you order, PSL pass the order onto us to ship - so, please allow 2-3
weeks for processing and air-mail delivery. All enquiries about the status
of shipment of the order, refunds, registration options, product details,
technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, etc, must be directed
to PC SOLUTIONS, Box 954, Bournemouth BH7 6YJ, ENGLAND.
This is always a tricky subject for Shareware authors. Now it is important
to remember that when you buy Shareware from a library, or purchase a magazine
disk with Shareware on, the Author (ie us!) see NOTHING of the money you have
paid - it all goes to the magazine/library concerned. Now considering that
the number of Shareware copies of PC SOLUTIONS programs runs into MILLIONS
- we have worked this out - you will understand that if we publish a phone
number, we would need an operator full time just to deal with enquiries
about software we have not been paid a cent for! In addition, at this stage
we are not able to take VISA/ACCESS orders, so the principle advantage
is lost anyway. For this reason, phone support is only available on
request for REGISTERED USERS - ie. people who have brought our software.
We have made arragements for US customers to place VISA/ACCESS orders
over the phone with a third party (see above) - however this is
strictly sales and orders only - any technical questions MUST
be mailed direct to us. In fact, if you think about it, how often can
you get technical phone support for free anywhere? You usually can't get
through to someone who knows what they are talking about! If you do have
a problem or question, you are welcome to write to us - but do check
things through first - 99% of problems are due to user errors rather
than problems in our programs. When you write to us, include your own
phone or fax number if you wish - if it is important, we can contact you.
We now stock a superb CDROM shareware collection, with literally thousands
of superb quality Windows and DOS programs. This collection contains the
latest offerings, only off the press a few months, with many new programs
that you will not find on other collections. Of course, you will find all the
latest PC Solutions shareware offerings on there as well!
This CDROM costs only 14 pounds (fully inclusive), or a fantastic
11 pounds if brought at the same time as another PC Solutions package.
This is probably the best value for money around - remember that other
CDROM retailers have hidden extras like VAT and postage - we include those
in our price!
CHESSMATE-2600 - New version of our excellent chess program. Now has very
nice shaded effect color pieces, plus full game store/replay
features, and more..
SAGE-DRAUGHTS-2700 - Probably the worlds strongest draughts program, new
graphics, mouse & many features. Forget those other weak
shareware programs, and learn how to REALLY play!
ADDIX-II - Great educational strategy game - an addictive two player game
(Computer plays one player) also helps with Maths skills.
BLITZ - Innovative Checkers game on Vari-size board- many added functions!
Both DOS and WINDOWS versions supplied here - for even more
advanced versions of SAGE and BLITZ, see the PROFESSIONAL
version below..
DROP-IT - Variant on CONNECT-4 theme, with re-sizeable board & more..
Windows and DOS versions..
FALLZONE-II - Action - help ERIC battle through a multi-level game..
RANGER - ERIC takes on more aliens.. other great strategy/mind games..
GAMES-PACK-1 (5.25 or 3.5 disk) costs only 8 pounds !! (USA $15)
FLIPIT - Very strong REVERSI/OTHELLO game, many features, such as
re-sizeable board, full game store/replay options, and an
extensive tutorial on playing the game. Also includes OCTOTHELLO
- othello on an octagonal board! Forget all those other
weak programs, this one can REALLY play!
JAX - Addictive little brain teaser.
RENJU - Fiendish japanese board game - easy to learn, hard to beat.
MINEZONE-II - Neat deduction game - another outing for ERIC.
CASCADE-II - Drop marbles & collect targets in this addictive game!
STELLAR-COMBAT - A neat shoot-em up - includes source code!
DECODE - Crack the code! + More great games.
GAMES-PACK-2 (5.25 or 3.5 disk) costs only 8 pounds!! (USA $15)
CAPTAIN ERIC-II - ERIC has to find his way through a dangerous landscape
with monsters lurking all around, and many problems to solve.
He must also find ammo for his gun, as well as the keys for the next
level. Excellent graphics, fast and furious fun!
ERICS-REVENGE - Further levels for ERIC to beat - many new puzzles to
solve, and many new monsters to beat.
FALL-ZONE-II - Another fine action/strategy game - ERICS out again!
BOMB-RUN - Bomb strategic targets in this super arcade game. (CGA/VGA)
WALL-RUN - Try to out-wall your computer opponent - addictive action!
ELEPHANT - Neat 'hunt the elephant' logic game - with source code!
RACER - Fast Car-racing game... + many more great games..
SIDETRIS - A new slant on a classic game - great animation!
GAMES-PACK-3 (5.25 or 3.5 disk) costs only 8 pounds!! (USA $15)
DYNAMO DRAUGHTS - Play the EUROPEAN 10x10 game, with sweeping KINGS & MEN
jumping backwards! Very Strong player, Full Game edit/replay + more..
Includes tutorial texts on these fascinating games - as played by
hundreds of thousands of players across Europe & America.
For an even more advanced version, see PRO version below..
BLOCKADE - An exciting new OTHELLO-ish board game, many features.
Its a sort of two-player version of LIFE - you play the computer
and try to capture his cells, while generating new ones of your own.
you score points for capturing key areas. A truely innovative game,
invented by PC SOLUTIONS!
CONTAX - Another PC Solutions invention! A fine strategy game (CGA/VGA).
The traditional GOMOKU/RENJU type game, but with a twist - you can only
occupy cells already adjacent to both one of yours and an opponents
piece. This simple rule radically alters the topography of the game,
considerably sharpening tactical play.
SOLO - New twists to SOLITAIRE game... + all our new releases!
GAMES-PACK-4 (5.25 or 3.5 disk) costs only 8 pounds!! (USA $15)
For Crossword & Scrabble enthusiasts! Solve complex anagrams, search for
letter patterns, with a dictionary of over 140,000 words and phrases.
It can solve partial anagrams, or find words within words - very
good for 'Countdown' addicts!
X-WORD (5.25 or 3.5 disk) costs only 8 pounds!! (USA $15)
Sprites'n'Fonts - Mouse driven sprite/font/graphics designer, with built-
in screen designer.
C-Tools - Sprites/Fonts library,+ other I/O - make small EXE. (C source)
Includes example C code to use graphics from SPRITES'n'FONTS.
and example C programs - including a complete 8x8 GO/OTHELLO board demo.
XCELCOPY - Fast Disk-Copy utility, better than DISKCOPY, many features!
LIFEPIX - Fractalish generator picture generator with C source.
BATFX - Menus for BATCH files.
MACLAN - Structured Assembly language for the A86 assembler. (with source)
CGA Enhancer & PC-XT Speedup (for older machines)
DMOUSE screen designer, CBM64 to IBM BASIC Converter.
Easy-Ed - a simple line editor, with source.
Phonetic Word-Finder - Demonstrates Phonetic word-matching - with C-source.
Flexi-Label (Mail list & labels..) + more..
UTIL-PACK 1 (5.25 or 3.5 disk) costs only 8 pounds!! (USA $15)
In addition to the standard versions you have just seen listed,
PC SOLUTIONS now also market special PROFESSIONAL versions of SAGE DRAUGHTS,
DYNAMO DRAUGHTS and DAMA ITALIANA. While the Standard versions you have seen
are superb programs, with infinite play-levels, superb graphics, full game
store/edit/replay, board position/problem edit and solve, and an enhanced
playing power that equals or surpasses any other program - up to grandmaster
level, the PROFESSIONAL editions of DYNAMO, SAGE and DAMA ITALIANA have even
more features. To start, you have even larger opening and endgame databases,
for more accurate and stronger play - with the option to extend the database
yourself. There are also database search options - for instance, you can
search for all game-lines in the book that transpose into a particular
position - users of CHESS-BASE programs will know how useful that is!
The play is so strong that even the World Draughts Champion uses
our program to help with analysis! There are advanced game annotation
features, with the ability to output the resultant game or board position to
a word processor. SAGE PROFESSIONAL also comes with the PRO version of BLITZ.
Also included with each of the PROFESSIONAL editions of our programs is
BASIC CHECKERS - a simple 8x8 english draughts program WITH ITS BASIC SOURCE
CODE - so you can have a go at writing your own program! This program will
run under the QBASIC interpreter supplied with MSDOS 5/6, so no other purchase
is necessary to use it. The code is heavily annotated - you do not need a
high level of programming skill to start learning! Each PRO program comes
with both DOS and complimentary WINDOWS versions - ie. SAGE PRO comes with
ITALIANA cost 29 pounds sterling EACH, or $49 (USA) or 72,000 lire (Italy)
or 255 francs (France) or 75 Dm (Germany) or FL 79 (Netherlands) - pay with
a normal cheque in your currency. The price includes first-class/air-mail
postage cost.
PC SOLUTIONS, Dept BT , P.O. Box 954, Bournemouth BH7 6YJ, ENGLAND.
Chess Genius is simply the strongest PC Chess program money can buy.
It has an ELO rating of 2452 on a 486-66, placing it with the Worlds top
few players. This program has almost continually been PC Chess World
Champion since the early 1980's, winning nearly all computer competitions
and confounding its opponents.
David Norwood, one of Englands top masters, has written about it in glowing
terms in his Saterday Telegraph column - he says he has great difficulty
beating it! Like all good things, this Rolls Royce of programs is not
cheap - it costs 90 pounds (fully inclusive) - however this compares
favourably with more expensive consoles - which it out-classes.
There are far too many features to list here - for a more comprehensive
leaflet on Chess Genius, contact PC Solutions.
PC SOLUTIONS, Dept XX , P.O. Box 954, Bournemouth BH7 6YJ, ENGLAND.